Spring has finally sprung! With spring here, that means hopefully nicer weather, and time spent outside. So here are some ways to get moving this spring after a long winter.
Go for walks!
The easiest way to get moving is to go for a walk around the neighborhood, or local park. It is best to ease into it, so as to not hurt yourself. Start with a 10 minute walk, and go up from there! This is a great way to get the whole family involved, take a short walk after dinner every night to help with digestion, and to spend time together.
Along with walking, biking is another way to get moving this spring. With warmer temperatures, it means safer conditions to ride your bike, no ice or snow to worry about. Get the family involved as well, and bike to your favorite ice cream spot, or to the park to let the kids and pets play around.
Now that warmer weather is here, and the ground has thawed, it is a great time to start your garden. Gardening is a great way to get the blood flowing, and to spend time outside. When gardening it is important to make sure you don’t spend so much time bent over, take a few minutes every hour to stand up, and extend your back. Plus, once your garden is complete you get to enjoy the fruits (or vegetables) of your labors!